242B Turuturu Road, Hawera
That is how you will feel from the minute you drive through the entrance to the prestigious property. Sited on a private 9426 sqm (2.28 acres approx.) this lifestyle offers new owner's a 'slice of the good life' that is about as low maintenance as it gets with spectacular views across a small valley towards Hawera & its iconic Water Tower.
Classically presented and contemporary in design this home offers the following: four-bedroom, two-bathroom, two living areas, heat pumps, double glazing and good size internal access double garage. Access is easy via the solid concrete driveway from the road up the hill wrapping around the back of the house to a generous parking and turning area.
Make sure you are quick to view this picture-perfect property with a flexible family floor plan, linea design with easy-care grounds! Families and professional couples should inspect, immaculate inside and out, you will be impressed! Phone today for your time to inspect!